This is a Beginner’s course for Python, and includes an introduction to Computer Science and Programming. This is an ideal course for kids, aged 9 to 16, who have had no previous coding experience, are ready to move beyond Block Programming, or would like to explore the world of programming in more detail.
Key topics covered in this course include:
- Introduction to Modern Computing
- Introduction to Programming
- Python Installation and IDE Set Up
- Variables and Types
- Basic Operations
- Working with Strings
- Working with Lists and Tuples
- Conditions and Loops
- Functions
Kids will be provided with a Python 3 Syntax Cheatsheet and a handy set of Basic Python Recipes and Patterns.
This course is conducted in weekly 1-hour live online classes.
NOTE: No programming background is required for this course.
If you are interested in more advanced Python programming, check out our Python 102, 103 and 201 courses!